viernes, 17 de marzo de 2023

Animals and insects


Animals son los animales en inglés ya sean acuáticos, terrestres, aves, etc. Algunos de los nombres de animales que aprendemos primeros son: 














miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2023

Adjectives ED and ING

Adjetivos terminados en ing y ed

Los sufijos "-ing" y "-ed" no solo se emplean para conjugar verbos en tiempo pasado simple y pasado continuo. También se utilizan con adjetivos.

  • Worried: preocupado
  • Worrying: preocupante

Adjetivos finalizados en "-ing":

Describen las cualidades de alguien o algo. Sin embargo, es más común emplearlos a la hora de hacer referencia a objetos o situaciones.

Adjetivos finalizados en "-ed":

Se emplea para describir emociones. En otras palabras, indica que el sujeto de la oración está sintiendo algo. Su relativo significado en el español son los sufijos "-ado"  e "-ido".



Adverbs are words used to add meaning to a verb, an adjective, or any other adverb. 

For example: Sumit reads cleverly. 



Adverbs of time tell us about the time when the action/verb takes place. Adverbs of time mainly modify verbs. For example: He came yesterday. The above example answers the question of when yesterday. Hence, in the given sentence, yesterday can be taken as the adverb of time.


Adverbs of place tell us the place where something happens. The verb in the sentence can answer the question of ‘where’. For example: Please sit here.


Adverbs of manner tell us the manner or way in which something is done. The verbs in the sentence answer the question of how. These are known to modify verbs. For example: He speaks slowly.


Adverbs of degree tell us the degree or extent to which something is done. They answer the question of how much or to what degree. For example: She entirely agrees with him.


Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens. These phrases explain how often something happens. For example: she always tries to do her best.



A verb is a kind of word (part of speech) that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb.  

Auxiliary Verbs

Also known as helping verbs, Auxiliary verbs do not imply any specific action but bring meaning to another verb.

There are four kinds of auxiliary verbs:

Verb- To be 

Usage- is, am, are, was, were

Verb- To do

Usage- do, does, did

Verb- To have

Usage- has, have, had

Modals-can, could, may, might, etc.

Ordinary Verbs

Main or ordinary verbs are ones that tell about the main action that the subject is doing or may tell the condition of the subject. 

There are two types of main verbs:

Transitive verb

Transitive verbs require an object to complete their meaning. For example: She likes chocolate.

Intransitive verb

Intransitive verbs are the ones that do not have a direct object after them. For example: The baby smiled.



Pronouns take the place of a noun and we use them so that we don’t have to repeat a noun. This helps to simplify speech and writing by using a word to represent longer passages and ideas. 

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns take the place of people or things. They can be either singular or plural, depending on whether they refer to one or multiple nouns. For Example: I, me, we, and us.

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns are personal pronouns that also indicate possession of something. They have singular and plural forms These pronouns often appear before the possessed item, but not always. For example: both “my car” and “the car is mine” both indicate who owns the car.

Reflexive Pronouns

When a subject performs an action on itself, the sentence uses a reflexive pronoun after the verb. Reflexive pronouns include myself, himself, themselves, and herself. For example: “I kicked myself.”

Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun starts a clause (a group of words that refer to a noun). Who, that, and which are all relative pronouns. They can also serve as other types of pronouns, depending on the sentence. For example: “I saw the dog that you own.”

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns point out or modify a person or thing. There are four demonstrative pronouns: this and that (for singular words), and these and those (for plural words). For example: “This is my car.”




A nonun refers to a word used for a person, place, or thing. Everything that we can see or talk about is represented by a word that names it. These are also known as naming words. 

To learn in detail, there can be five different types of nouns

1. Proper nouns 

These are the names of specific people, places, things, or ideas. The first letter of such words should always be in capitals. For example: Peter, India, January, Sunday

2. Common nouns

These name any person, place, thing, or idea. If such a term does not appear at the beginning of a sentence, it won’t begin with a capital letter. For example: cat, chair, boy

3. Collective nouns

These are used while representing a group of people, animals, or things. For example: gang of thieves, a bouquet of flowers, a flock of sheep, a group of people

4. Abstract nouns

These are the ones that are intangible in nature and cannot be seen or touched but can be felt. For example: honesty, truth, friendship, love, thirst

5. Material nouns

These are used to name a particular kind of matter. For example: iron, gold, water, salt

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2023

Daily routines

 The daily routines

¿what is a daily routine?

A routine is the usual series of things that you do at a particular time. A routine is also the practice of regularly doing things in a fixed order.

Examples of daily routine:

get up at 5am

have / take a shower 5:30am

brush your teeth at 5:40am

have breakfast at 9am

catch the bus at 12am

go to school at 1pm

take a break 3:30pm

have a cup of coffee 7pm

have lunch at 7pm

cook dinner at 9pm

Go to sleep at 10pm

sábado, 11 de marzo de 2023

The family members

 The family members 

Los family members son los miembros de la familia en ingles. Los principales son: 

•                 Abuela en inglés /Grandmother

•                 Abuelo en inglés /Grandfather

•                 Madre en inglés/Mother/Mom

•                 Padre en inglés /Father

•                 Hijo en inglés/Son

•                 Hija en inglés/ Daughter

•                 Hermana en inglés/Sister

Articles A and AN

          Articles A and AN

             What do articles AN and A mean?  

A and AN are indefinite articles in English that are used before singular nouns. The difference between A and AN depends on the first sound of the word following the article, not the first letter. A is used when the first sound is a consonant or sounds like a consonant. AN is used when the first sound is a vowel.

      How to learn to differentiate A from AN



                     Examples of A and AN



How can Music help you to learn english?

How can Music help you to learn english?

 English music improves your listening skills and increases your vocabulary. Music even helps your pronunciation. As you listen to the lyrics, you will be exposed to new English words. Listening to English music is an activity that you can do all day, everyday.

For example: Smile by Lily Allen 

How can this help me learn english?? well, its simple 
you just get used to the language and you can start practicing the right pronunciation