miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2023



A verb is a kind of word (part of speech) that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb.  

Auxiliary Verbs

Also known as helping verbs, Auxiliary verbs do not imply any specific action but bring meaning to another verb.

There are four kinds of auxiliary verbs:

Verb- To be 

Usage- is, am, are, was, were

Verb- To do

Usage- do, does, did

Verb- To have

Usage- has, have, had

Modals-can, could, may, might, etc.

Ordinary Verbs

Main or ordinary verbs are ones that tell about the main action that the subject is doing or may tell the condition of the subject. 

There are two types of main verbs:

Transitive verb

Transitive verbs require an object to complete their meaning. For example: She likes chocolate.

Intransitive verb

Intransitive verbs are the ones that do not have a direct object after them. For example: The baby smiled.

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