miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2023



A nonun refers to a word used for a person, place, or thing. Everything that we can see or talk about is represented by a word that names it. These are also known as naming words. 

To learn in detail, there can be five different types of nouns

1. Proper nouns 

These are the names of specific people, places, things, or ideas. The first letter of such words should always be in capitals. For example: Peter, India, January, Sunday

2. Common nouns

These name any person, place, thing, or idea. If such a term does not appear at the beginning of a sentence, it won’t begin with a capital letter. For example: cat, chair, boy

3. Collective nouns

These are used while representing a group of people, animals, or things. For example: gang of thieves, a bouquet of flowers, a flock of sheep, a group of people

4. Abstract nouns

These are the ones that are intangible in nature and cannot be seen or touched but can be felt. For example: honesty, truth, friendship, love, thirst

5. Material nouns

These are used to name a particular kind of matter. For example: iron, gold, water, salt

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